The Multiple-Choice Section
If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here: APUSH Review, The New Curriculum – Multiple Choice
The Short Answer Questions (SAQs)
If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here: APUSH Review, The New Curriculum – Short Answer Questions
The Long Essay
Coming Soon!
If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here:
The Document-Based Question (DBQ)
Coming Soon!
If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here:
Thanks so much! I broke both of my feet on the last day of school over the summer and could not attend the new APUSH summer institute. I look forward to viewing the rest of your useful information!
Sorry to hear about your feet. I will definitely be updating throughout the year. Good luck to you and your students.
Hey I really appreciate you doing this for the new textbook! I’m just curious, will you have all the periods and chapters done by this spring?
Yes, I will have all the chapter and key concept videos done by the end of April at the latest.
I am new to APUSH, and I find your videos very helpful. My question is can you suggest a good place to find test items?
Quality test questions are soooo hard to come by. Honestly, I have not found very many. Email me at
Collegeboard course description, extra questions and practice test. Essays are not too different, so old FRQs could help as well.
Make sure your students write the short answer in the correct “format.” Meaning, when they respond to part A, B, and C of the question they need to do so correctly. In scoring the pilot exams, readers found there was a tremendous amount of confusion in trying to tease out information students put down and because of the way it will be scored this year, it is important they distinguish their responses with complete sentences. They should write:
A. answer
B. answer
C. answer
Good evening,
Thank you your extensive help. I am confused with the DBQ. It looks the same. Is that correct? Thank you.
I think the only difference is the rubric. The POV thing and the synthesis point are both new
Hello Sir,
I would like to know if you offer APUSH tutoring , If so please let me know your hourly rates.