In this section, you will find the entire new AP Curriculum in chronological order, by time period and key concepts. This is a MUST KNOW. All AP test questions (multiple-choice, short answer, DBQ, and long essay will be based on this information.) If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
I am a teacher at Skyline High, Oakland, Ca.
Awesome, thanks for using this website. Good luck to you and your students this school year.
I love your site and your awesome resources! Thanks. I’, a teacher in Livermore 🙂
That’s great to hear. Thanks for using them. If you need anything, let me know. Good luck this year.
I stumbled across your site and suggested it to my APUSH teacher and he said it looked pretty legit! So I think he likes it!
Nice to help out colleagues.
Pittsburgh Area APUSH teacher
Great to hear. Thanks for your support. Good luck to you and your students. BTW, I love Pittsburgh. I’ve been twice and it’s a great city.
I’m having trouble locating a copy of the new curriculum. Can you direct me to the link?
It’s at the bottom of the main page of Or you can download it here: Good luck!
Thanks for your support! Good luck.
Thank you thank you thank you! Your videos, power points and guides are a life saver to this first year APUSH teacher.
That’s great to hear. Best of luck. If you need anything, let me know.
Is this thew new curriculum for the APUSH 2015 Exam?
Yes, it matches up with it.
Hello! When will the period 7 videos be posted? THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!
I’m recording 7.1 today. More to come this week hopefully….
First of all thank you so much for your videos! They are extremely helpful!
I am a student who is in the middle of a 2 year course for Apush. Now that the curriculum has changed, my school decided to continue from where we left off, since history doesn’t change.
I was wondering if you have any advice for me as to different studying tips and methods. Should I reteach myself the first part of the curriculum in a different way, and for the new material, do you recommend any way that I should study differently?
Thank you so much!
Hey Katherine, I would definitely revisit old material. Please check out my videos on Key Concepts that match up with the new curriculum. These will help review old material while aligning it to the new curriculum.
Good luck!
Thanks so much!!!
Wonderful videos. I use them constantly in my classroom. Thank you for your dedication and constant help to everyone.
Question: Are periods 8 and 9 videos available?
Thank you.
I’ve had a lot going on the past week or so. I am almost done with the PPT for 8.1. Hopefully this week it will be up.
Giving thanks for APUSH review.
Hi! Your videos are so helpful. I was just wondering if you could maybe make a video on important people and what they did, wanted, their political stance, etc? Thank you again for all your help!
This has been, absolutely, the most helpful APUSH site for me and my students. We use it all the time. Thank you so very much!
Many thanks from a first-year APUSH teacher in LaGrange, Georgia – using Brinkley textbook, 2015 edition – what is your opinion of the latest edition of Brinkley?
Unfortunately, I only have the 14th edition. I have not seen the most recent one. Sorry!
I’m studying for a semester final, and these are the perfect sources. Great website, love the videos. It really does go over every topic in each section. This is helping me so much, Thank You! Keep it up!
You are my hero Adam!! You are my boy!!! We are AP peeps!!!!
I absolutely love the website as an extra source to study, but my teacher has been using your videos as his only source in the classroom. He doesn’t actually teach us. He just turns in your video and sits in his phone everyday in class. It’s really irritating
Mr. Norris,
For several years, I have used your lessons in my classroom sometimes as a warm-up review, others as a period review at the end of a unit. I haven’t been on in a while and when I came in today, I found Period Review Worksheets and courses set up and dreamed.
I’ve told my students that you are my absolute hero in the history world. I can’t thank you enough for providing such amazingly concise and accurate information. You are unbelievably generous. I also saw you added the link as a donation. From now on, I’ll hit your site first and jump from here to Amazon. You deserve every penny that you get.
Your scholars, and mine, are lucky to have you as a part of their lives.
Have a blessed day and a happy holiday.
I’m sorry this is such a late reply, but thank you for the kind words and support. It means a lot. Best of luck to you and your students this year!
I just want to thank you for all of the great resources you offer. I got your review sheets (the free ones and I purchased the others too) and I think they will be very beneficial for my classes this year – especially with a nearly two week spring break coming up. Thanks so much and good luck to your students on the upcoming test!
I appreciate your support, thank you!
I used your website and resources throughout the year with my APUSH students. I believe it was a major factor in all 6 of my students achieving 3 or higher on the test! Keep up the great work!
Congratulations to you and your students, that’s incredible. Best of luck this year.
SHHS students wya
I am entering my third year into using your website for my APUSH class. My students and I love your resources! We just saw our shout out in your APUSH Review: Video #7: The Atlantic Economy And European Interactions With Native Americans. So exciting! We had a good laugh when we saw the “Mr.” instead of the “Mrs.” We’ll take it anyway! Thank you for all that you do!
Just took my APUSH test today and I feel great! Thank you so much for the videos and study guides they’ve helped me out this year!
Great resource for 1st year AP teacher! Thanks!
Best of luck, let me know if you need anything.