Review sheets can be an important tool for teachers and students alike. They provide students with guiding questions that help them think more deeply and critically as well as prepare them for assessments. But…… they can also be frustrating. Students sometimes need to have things explained to them again in order to properly answer questions. Even worse, students often leave their notes or books in school that could help them complete the review sheet. When students don’t have access to the information they need to complete review sheets, they often are unprepared for tests and even give up trying.
Period review sheets at solve these issues. All students need is access to a computer, or any device that can connect to the internet. Any student can find Internet access. When students are completing these review sheets, answers they may not know are at their fingertips. Each review sheet has links to important vocabulary terms and dozens of videos to help students review and demonstrate their knowledge of important content.
Anyone familiar with APUSH will tell you that it is not enough to know content. Students have to know how to interpret documents and apply that information. Each period review sheet has several documents associated with that time period (e.g., political cartoons, excerpts from speeches and important writings). Each document is analyzed through the requirements of referencing documents in the DBQ (Historical Context, Intended Audience, Point of View, and Purpose.) Many of these documents have other analysis questions to further break down the document. There is no question that analyzing documents will make students better at APUSH.
These review sheets are in Microsoft Word format. Teachers, this means you can edit the questions, if need be, to best fit your classroom and students! Furthermore, if your school uses Google Classroom, you can convert the review sheets into Google Docs, and assign one to each student. Is your school currently not a Google Classroom school? No problem! You can still share these with students – all they need is a GMAIL account, which is free.
I hope you find these review sheets as helpful as I and my students have.
Adam Norris
Period 1 Review Sheet: period-1-1491-1607-review-sheet
Period 2 Review Sheet: period-2-1607-1754-review-sheet
Period 3 Review Sheet: period-3-1754-1800-review-sheet
Period 4 Review Sheet: Period 4 (1800 – 1848) Review Sheet
Period 5 Review Sheet: period-5-1844-1877-review-sheet
Periods 6 – 9 Review Sheets: Click Here
Note: These documents are property of All images contained in the documents are part of the public domain.